Important Septic System Considerations for New Rural Home Buyers

Posted on: 27 April 2021

When contractors build new homes in rural areas, the property must be improved with a well and septic system. After a home is purchased and the new residents have lived there for a year or two, they should schedule septic tank pumping to get a sense of how often this service should be done. The advised frequency depends on the size of the tank, the number of household residents, and how much demand they put on the system.

How It Works

People who have never lived in a rural home may not realize that they must be a bit more cautious than is the case with a municipal sewer system. Everything flushed and drained goes to the tank instead of to a city wastewater treatment center. Solids gradually sink to the bottom, while liquid travels to a drain field in the yard. There, the wastewater is purified as it slowly percolates through the soil.

Overloading the Tank

The main mistake for many new rural residents is overloading the tank with flushed objects. For instance, it's common for septic tank technicians to see feminine hygiene products floating when they remove the tank lid. Eventually, these items soak up enough liquid to descend to the bottom.

Disposal Without Flushing

On rural properties, those products should be put in the trash instead of flushed. Flushing becomes a habit partly for convenience and also because some individuals feel a little embarrassed. Tampons and pads could be wrapped in toilet paper before being placed in a bathroom wastebasket. For extra discretion, the items might be hidden in opaque bags.

If the household doesn't get enough plastic or paper bags from shopping, they could buy small paper lunch bags. Another option is to use plastic bags designed to pick up after dogs during walks. Now, the ladies of the household can easily be discreet.

Communication With Guests

Keeping the bags in a basket on top of the toilet tank makes it simple for guests to use them as well. Guests should be advised not to flush materials like tampons, paper towels, sanitary wipes, or dental floss. These items do not degrade quickly or at all. Although some of these products are not bulky the way feminine hygiene products are, they can become stuck in the tank filters and cause problems.

Helpful Service Technicians

Septic tank pumping technicians can provide an abundance of helpful information that allows customers to keep the systems running smoothly. Homeowners should not hesitate to ask questions whenever these workers are at the property.
