5 Important Moves When You Have A Septic Tank

Posted on: 19 November 2020

When you have a septic tank, you don't have to pay a monthly waste disposal fee for your wastewater. However, having a septic tank isn't free. You still have to take good care of your septic tank.

Move #1: Get a Yearly Inspection

First, it is important to keep a close eye on your septic tank. One of the best ways to keep a close eye on your septic tank is by getting it inspected by a professional every year or every other year.

A professional inspection will provide you with important information and assistance. You will learn how full your tank is and when you should pump it. The bacteria level will be checked and balanced out if necessary. Any worn-out or damaged parts will be replaced.

Move #2: Regularly Pump Your Tank

How often you need to pump your tank depends upon a variety of factors. However, it is always better to get your tank pumped more often than less often.

If you get regular septic inspections, you should have plenty of information to know when you should get your tank pumped. You don't want your tank to overflow, so be sure to budget to get your tank pumped at least every three to five years.

Move #3: Reduce Water Usage

Your tank is only designed to process so much wastewater at once effectively. There are many ways you can reduce water usage by installing low-flow and energy-efficient appliances and devices that will help you reduce your water usage throughout your home. You can also actively work to use less water and spread your water usage out throughout the day.

Move #4: Mind the Drainage Field

Your drainage field is the final step in the septic tank process. It is where wastewater from the septic tank is released and where it goes through a final natural filtering process before going back into the groundwater.

You need to make sure that additional water doesn't funnel into the drainage field, as that can overwhelm the water processing capacities of that area. You also need to make sure that you don't put extra pressure on the ground in this area and limit activity in this area as much as possible. Additionally, it is smart to keep trees and plants with deep root systems away from your drainage field and septic tank.

Move #5: Be Careful About What Goes Down Your Drains

Finally, try to limit what goes down your drains to water, soap, and human waste. Try your best to keep food scraps and personal care products out of your drains and toilet, and don't flush anything down your toilet other than what it was designed to handle in a bid to get rid of whatever it is.

With a septic tank, you should invest in yearly inspections and repairs if necessary. You should budget to get your septic tank pumped every three to five years. You should work to reduce water usage, limit what goes down your drains, and take care of the drainage field.

To learn more, reach out to a residential septic service.
