What Does Spray Foam Insulation Do Besides Insulate?

Posted on: 22 April 2021

All insulation serves the basic purpose of reducing heat transfer in and out of your home or structure. Some types of insulation do this better than others. For instance, spray foam insulation tends to have a higher R-value than fiberglass insulation, which basically means it does a more thorough job of blocking heat transfer. But this is not the only reason to choose spray foam insulation. As it turns out, spray foam insulation does more than just insulate. It actually offers some benefits for your home that go beyond its insulating capabilities. Read on to learn more.

Spray foam insulation keeps water out.

Spray foam insulation is not a fluffy, absorbent foam like the foam found in cushions or sponges. Rather, it is a dense, closed-cell foam. This means it repels water rather than absorbing water. This can be really helpful in your attic. If there is a roof leak, the spray foam insulation will either keep water from actually leaking in, or it will allow the water to bead up and run off of it. In either case, you won't have a bunch of soggy insulation after a roof leak. And you don't have to worry about your insulation growing mold and bacteria.

Spray foam insulation keeps rodents and insects out.

Rodents and insects can burrow right through fiberglass or cotton insulation. And in addition to burrowing right through, they can tear up that insulation and use it to make nests. This is not an issue with spray foam insulation. It's hard, dense, and does not taste good — so pests of all types will stay away. You won't have to pull another piece of insulation laced with mouse droppings out of your attic if you choose spray foam insulation.

Spray foam gives extra support to the structure.

Spray foam is sprayed directly onto the building surfaces. It is applied directly to the floor and ceiling in your attic space. If you use it to insulate between the walls, it will adhere to the walls. Because it is applied in this way, it adds strength and support to the structure. The foam may help prevent walls from collapsing if there's a big storm, and it may keep your roof from caving in if a branch lands on it.

Spray foam is a good choice for its better insulating value on its own, but this is not its only benefit. To learn more, contact a spray foam insulation professional.
